For my money it's COL over TSM, and this coming from a huge TSM fanboy. COL just seem to be firing on all cylinders, and their coms are especially on point. Where as TSM seems to be rife with tension and tilt-y-ness anytime someone makes a mistake or a bad call (it also doesn't help that Hal seems to have fallen in love with that amazing Aussie controller player Genburten, though who can blame him when Genburten can regularly drop 20 bombs in ranked like he's playing pubs). COL just needs to maintain their game and they'll come out on top, especially if they can get to match point early and focus on zone. TL could be the spoiler for either of them, as they've definitely been improving from their somewhat rocky start, but I don't know if they have the consistency to win in a match point format.

For EU, I just hope the Shiv and the soloQgoats put on a good show, and/or North comes out on top.

It's going to be an exciting weekend, can't wait to hear your wrap up after it's all over!

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Yep, I think Complexity is also a lot more comfortable playing with zone pulls the way they are now, i.e. very random. That's sort of what they've been doing all along, while TSM continues to adapt to it coming from the 'perfect rotation above all else' strat. And I def agree that if Complexity gets to match point early, it's over for the rest of the field, a come from behind win is tough against a team that aggressive.

Would love to see Shiv on Bangalore have a good day in EU! And kind of crazy how much Genburten is suddenly coming up in conversations, I'll have to watch some of his gameplay.

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Time to cash-in on that bet!

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"I really want to write about the lack of focus on storytelling like this in official ALGS broadcasts, but that’s a post for another day." << Already looking forward to it! Anything to make it less vanilla. I heard Snip3down mention a big team break-up drama from back in his Halo days and got stuck down a YouTube hole of the amazing coverage from that. Dramatic smack-talk during LANs, Snip3 making a video right after where he is clearly still upset and heated, interviews to hear each side's story, and even a follow-up interview with both Snip3 and his former teammate to reflect on the situation. Tension was palpable and it was great.

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That sounds amazing, got a link?

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These are already epic and I just saw the thumbnails, thanks a ton

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Dec 18, 2020
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Glad to hear it—Happy Holidays to you as well!

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